7 Best Bodybuilding Transformations on YouTube

Bodybuilding is addictive. The craze of bodybuilding develops in individuals and makes them rapidly improve their body and strength. There are examples of people whos' motivation and addiction made them transform their body beautifully in a much lesser duration than usual.

top bodybuilding transformations youtube

Bodybuilding is hard, it requires patience. But once you start observing positive change in your body, time and patience with some great amount of motivation and dedication is all you find in yourself.

Today we'll take a look at some famous bodybuilders who were pretty much normal people once, some involved in drugs and some having a medical condition, who are now among the top bodybuilders in the world.

All the credit goes to the hard work and dedication of these men that helped them transform their ordinary bodies into strong and healthy ones and that too in a lesser time duration than usual.

1. Durrah - Artist to Bodybuilder

The dude was inspired by certain muscular cartoon characters and one day he decided to be like one of them. So he joined the boxing gym in the locality and soon started hard bodybuilding.

It took him 6 years to transform his ectomorph body into a muscular one and he won several professional bodybuilding competitions in the country.

2. Zach Zeiler - Cancer patient to Bodybuilder

Zach Zeiler was an ordinary teenager living a healthy and normal life until he got to know he had neck cancer. Fightint the chemotherapy and radiations was hard for the teenager but he had strong belief of surviving the assault.

After the successful cancer surgery Zach decided to live a different life than what he's lived. SO he got into bodybulding. Its his hardwork that made him transform his body that fast and that proper.

3. Nick Sbraga - Football player to Bodybuilder

Nick Sbraga started bodybuilding in high school when he was 14. Initially he would just do push ups/pull ups and some minor weight lifting at home until he joined the gym.

He doubled his protein intake and started heavy workout at the age of 15 and within 2 years, transformed his body into a great muscular one.

4. Marc Fitt - From Police Officer to Bodybuilding Model

Marc Fitt started bodybuilding to pass the fitness test of the police as he wanted to join it. As he started developing his body, he started loving it.

It took him four solid years to transform from a police officer wannabe to a professional bodybuilding model who has acted for several bodybuilding brands and appeared on noted magazines.

Marc Fitt is believed to have the most aesthetic body in the professional bodybuilding industry. He currently works as a personal trainer and has a YouTube channel purposed to help people with bodybuilding. His videos have over 17 million views.

5. Clarence Newman - From Fat to Fit at 48

The 48 years old Clarence Newman, discovering that his mass is increasing as rapidly as it can, started working out. S he bought some machinery and made a small cave-like gym in his home.

He claims to have lost 30 pounds in 18 weeks. After working out for about 1 year, his body had transformed into a muscular and fit one as opposed to the bulky one he originally had.

6. Jed Hassel - Drug Addict to Bodybuilder

The drug addict Jed Hassel, at the age of 16, realized he should work his body out. Being referred to as the "skinny guy" in his school, Jed had enough reasons to transform his body.

He started bodybuilding at 16, left drugs for some time and within 2 years time, made his body muscular and strong. The young and powerless skinny guy was transformed into a strong and muscular man.

7. Jeff Seid - The youngest IFFB Pro

Jeff Seid is probably the most famous bodybuilder around the globe. He is the youngest IFFB Pro and got that badge at the age of 19.

He started bodybuilding at the age of 13, and within 4 years had transformed his body into a great muscular one. Jeff also acts as a bodybuilding model for magazines and companies.

With patience, diet and the right set of training, getting your body into shape is easily possible. The people in the list compiled are surely an inspiration for the bodybuilders out there.

But what about you? Mind telling us about your bodybuilding transformations? Well, head to the comment section.