Chest muscle has two parts called pectorals. One is called sternal or lower part and other is called the clavicular or upper part. The lower part attaches to the upper arm bone, just above where the delts attach to the upper arm bone (also called the humerus) while the upper part is attached to the collarbone.
It attaches to the sternum, or breastbone, about mid-body, attaching also to the rib-cage.This muscle is responsible for your movement of upper body. There is also a small muscle between first rib & clavicle known as subclavius and because of that we can draw the shoulder forward.
Another part of chest is serratus and that is a thin sheet of muscle between scapula and ribs. Serratus rotates the scapula by raising the point of the shoulder and brining scapular downward and forward.
To develop chest, add following exercises in your exercise routine and you will see the results within no time:
1- Behind Head Chest Stretch
Stretch your legs in front of you and comfortably sit on the floor, keeping your back straight & chest up. Interlace your fingers while putting your hands on back of your head.
Your partner should be standing behind you with hands placed inside your elbows. /this will be starting position. Now allow your parter to pull back on your elbows untill your chest is slightly stretched.
Remain this position for at least 10 seconds. Then try to bring your elbows against your partners resistance. Slowly relax your muscle after holding the contaction for maximum 10 seconds. Then return to starting position.
2- Barbell Guillotine Bench Press
Lay down on the bench with your back straight and your face towards roof. Your legs should be bent at 90 degrees from knees. Lift the bar from the rack by using a medium width grip and hold it above your neck.
Your arms should be locked and this will be your starting position. Bring the bar down untill it reaches at 1 inches height from your chest. You will be inhailing during this.
Then bring the bar back to starting position while you exhale and by using your chest muscles, push the bar. Squeeze your chest n the contracted position and lock your arms. After remaining there for a second, come down slowly.
The downwards movement should be less than upwards movement. Be very much careful about keeping your back straight while doing this.
3- Barbell Bench Press
Lay down on the bench with your back straight and your face towards roof. Your legs should be bent at 90 degrees from knees. Lift the bar from the rack by using a medium width grip and hold it above your neck.
Your arms should be locked and this will be your starting position. Now slowly move the bar downwards untill it touches your chest. Now exhale and move the bar upwards and take back to starting position. Push the bar by using your chest muscles.
Squeeze your chest in the contracted position and lock your arms at the top of motion. Start coming down slowly again after holding for a second. The downwards motion should be slower than upwards motion.
4- Alternating Floor Press
Chose two kettlebells of appropriate size. Lie on the floor with your back straight and position one in place on your chest and after that, other. Grip the kettlebells on the handle with palms facing forward.
Hold the kettlebells above your chest by extending your arms. Lower a kettlebell, bringing it to your chest slowly and turn the wrist in direction of the locked out kettlebell.Now repeat on the opposite side by raising the kettlebell.
5- Around The Worlds
Chose two dembbells of appropriate size. Now lay down on s straight bench by keeping your back straight. Keep one dumbbell in each hand with palms facing towards ceiling. Do not lock your elbows and keep them a little bit bent.
From this starting position create a semi-circle by moving the dumbbells over your head. The arms should remain parallel to floor throughout the movement. Inhale during this part of movement. Now while exhaling take the weight back to starting position.
6- Push ups
While holding your torso up at arms length lie on the floor face down and place your hands at 30 inches apart. Then inhale and move downward until your chest touches the floor.
Squeeze your chest and press your upper body back up to the starting position while you exhale. After reaching at the top contracted position wait for a moment. Then repeat the movement.
7- Incline Cable Flye
Set the pulleys at the floor level, with appropriate weight attached with both, below your torso. Grab one pulley in each hand and lay on the incline bench that should be placed between the pulleys.
Now bring your hands together at arms length so that they are in front of your face. This will be your starting position. Now slightly bend your elbows and untill you feel a slight stretch on your chest lower your arms out at both sides in wide arc.Inhale during this movement.
Keep your arms stationary throughout the movement. Only the shoulder move should be responsible for movement. Then exhale and return your arms back to starting position along with squeezing your chest muscles. Hold at this position for 2 seconds. Now repeat the whole movement.
8- Dips for Chest
This exercise requires parallel bars. Now hold your body at arms length above the bar to make starting position. Inhale and lower yourself. While lowering yourself, your torso should lean forward around 30 degrees and your elbows should not remain locked.
Your elbows should be bend untill your chest become slightly stretched. Now, while exhaling, bring your body back to starting position. Use your chest for this movement. When you reach at top of movement, squeeze your chest for a couple of seconds.
9- Smith Machine Decline Press
Load appropriate weights on bar of a decline bench. Lay under bar in such a way that it comes above your chest. Now unhook the bar from rack by rotating it and fully extending your arms.
While doing this, keep your back slightly arched and shoulder blades retracted. Now you are on your starting position. Lower the bar to your chest by flexing your arms. Remain on this position for a couple of seconds and then by pushing the weight, go back to starting position.
Doing these exercises with proper diet for a couple of months can give amazing results. Now check this article to get some extra motivation today Top 10 Inspiring Young Bodybuilders to Lookup to
Have a nice day.