How Much Protein Do You Need To Build Muscle Fast?

Satisfying your body's protein requirements is one essential step in body building. However, determining the right amount of protein intake can be difficult as there is no well-defined formula for that.

how much protein do you need

There is a certain amount of protein that the body requires to keep the muscles growing and stable. Proteins are the building blocks of the body. Deficient protein in body can produce impaired muscles.

So what are Proteins

protein molecule

Proteins are special types of molecules that are mainly comprised of amino acids. Proteins perform a wide variety of functions in the body including the repairing of muscles and muscle building.

Our body breaks the protein molecules into amino acids and uses those amino acids to produce its own protein that is directly used in the body for various tasks.

Protein isn't only the requirement of body builders. Every body needs proteins. Cells die and regenerate every moment and amino acids are what perform this.

However, protein requirements for everyone vary. Body builders need more protein as that helps in repairing muscle fibers and grow them.

According to research...

The Journal of the American Medical Association posted a research report by the Board of the Institute of Medicine that determines the recommended daily allowance (RDI) of protein for 18 years or older persons to be 0.8g/kg (0.36g/pound).

The same figure was also highlighted in the dietary guidelines published by the US Department of Agriculture and Governmental programs. This would mean the protein amount for a 70kg person should be 56 grams.

These researches determined the minimum amount of proteins required for athletes. Therefore, if a 70kg person takes lesser than 56 grams of protein every day, his muscles will suffer and the body will not grow because of the negative nitrogen balance.

The Institute of Medicine covers the topic better. It says that 10-35% of the calories should come from protein. While this is a vague statement, since there is a big difference between 10 and 35, it's somewhat helpful.

According to the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR) of protein (10-35%), a 19 year old man who's 5'9" tall and 167 pounds would require 0.43g to 1.5g per pound of body per day. This goes beyond the range of the RDI.

Another research by the McMaster University states 1.3-1.8 g/kg is normal for athletes whereas the University of Western Ontario stated 1.6-1.8 grams of protein is enough for body builders. Extreme workout might require more but this would just do fine too.

Some maths

protein intake
The simplest formula would be that the protein requirements are 1g per pound. That would mean 150 grams of protein for a 150 pound person.

Another good formula would be Lean Mass (in kgs) X 2.75 = Protein requirements in grams. You can calculate your lean mass here.

According to this formula, for a person of 60kgs with say 20% of body fat (calculate here) should take 132 grams of protein every day.

What the bodybuilders say...

According to the bodybuilders, 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight is a must. This rule has been in action since decades. Also, higher levels of protein intakes range between 1.2-1.6 grams of protein per pound of body weight.


Protein calculation is still complex for you I'm sure. Let's sum it all up.
  • 0.36 grams/pound of protein are a must for athletes, below this level, the muscles suffer.
  • Bodybuilders must ensure 1 gram of protein per pound to help growth. This amount is quite enough for body building.
  • For extreme body builder however, 1.2-1.6 grams per kg of body are good.
  • Protein requirements vary depending upon the fat percentage in body. Therefore lean mass should be used for calculating protein requirements.
  • Excess of protein doesn't hurt but doesn't benefit either. Excess is always wasted by the body.

Fulfilling your protein requirements is must for muscle growth, make sure you follow the rules and give the body what it needs. Other than proteins, carbs and vitamins also play their role.

What's your say of the protein requirements for body builders? Let us know in the comments section.