28 Foods For Smaller Waist

Extra fat accumulated around your waistline is indicator of upcoming health problems like type II diabetes, heart disease and cancer.You should lose this fat as soon as possible. Waist size of a man should be less than 40 inches while of a woman should be less than 34.5 inches.

To reach in safe range of waist size, all you have to do is regular exercise and eat foods that are low in fat & carbohydrates. Protein intake should also remain moderate. To learn more about protein check How Much Protein Do You Need To Build Muscle Fast?.

Your exercise program should be according to your body type. To learn more about body types check Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph - What's The Difference?

We prepared this list of foods that are low in fat and contain complex carbs to help you in this journey of reducing  waist size:

Fat accumulated around waist is indicator of upcoming health problems

1- Red Grapefruit:

Red grapefruit has very low carbohydrates and is full of vitamins and minerals. It is famous for providing Vitamin C which it contains in abundance in it. It has 20 percent less sugar than orange.

2- Brown Bread:

Too many carbohydrates will result in form of fat deposit around your waistline. But you cannot cut carbohydrates from your diet as they are necessary for running several functions of body.

Brown bread is excellent source of complex carbohydrates that provides necessary energy to brain and body. Make sure that the brown bread you are buying is sugar free as some companies add sugar to make it tasty.

Brown bread & salad make tasty combination

3- Celery:

How can a diet increase fat in your body when it is composed of 95% water? If you are suffering from joint pains, lung infections, asthma, or acne, eating more celery can bring much-needed relief. Enjoy celery as much as you want.

4- Spaghetti Squash:

This is an alternate solution for your pasta cravings. It is low in carbohydrates and obviously has no chemicals or added sugars in it.

5- Apricots:

Apricots are not only low fat but they are also good for eyes, blood cholesterol and digestive system. They are full of antioxidants, too.

Apricots are low in carbs and have plenty of antioxidants

6- Avocado:

Avocado is virtually free of sugar fruit. It is good for heart health as it contains heart healthy monosaturated fatty acids. Around 75 percent of its carbs come from non-digestible fiber.

7- Strawberries:

You can get rid of habit of eating processed sweet foods by eating strawberries. They are also good for people having uric acid problem. They are anti-inflammatory as they contain anthocyanins, ellagitannins, flavonols, terpenoids and phenolic acids.

Strawberry has several health benefits

8- Zucchini:

There are several recipes for cooking Zucchini. It is a delicious vegetable and has several health benefits, too.

9- Catfish:

A very affordable source of high quality protein. Enjoy steamed, grilled, oven-roasted, or pan-seared.

10- Chicken:

Every bodybuilder knows chicken as a protein rich food. An excellent food for keeping your waist smaller.

11- Guava:

Famous for its delicious taste Guava also contains nutrients in abundance. A very rich source of dietary fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin A along with other nutrients.

Guava is a delicious and healthy food

12- Egg Whites:

Egg whites are daily diet for bodybuilders. They contain very low fats and carbohydrates and are high in protein. According to the USDA, one large egg white provides you with 3.6 grams of high-quality protein, so increasing your portion to four large egg whites would give you 14.4 grams of complete protein.

Egg whites contain all of the essential amino acids your body needs each day to maintain your muscle mass and to perform day-to-day functions. The Institute of Medicine recommends that women should eat at least 46 grams while men should eat at least 56 grams of protein each day.

13- Cauliflower:

Also known as skinny starch, this is an excellent alternative for mashed potatoes, creamy cheese, etc. It is also rich in antioxidants.

14- Turkey:

Carb free protein is found in abundance in Turkey. It can be used in burgers, sandwiches, rolls, etc.

Turkey is an excellent source of protein

15- Goat Milk:

Rich in omega fatty acids this milk has fewer carbohydrates as compared to cow milk. It is also a calcium rich diet.

16- Plain Greek Yogurt:

It is rich in protein and has more health benefits as compared to regular yogurt.

17- Almonds:

Famous for their health benefits Almonds can serve as very healthy snack food option. They are good for blood pressure, memory and have high quality protein.

18- Pumpkin Seeds:

They contain around 7 grams whole food protein in every serving. Very good food for elevating testosterone levels. Another plus point is that none of their carbohydrates contain sugar.

With consistent effort you can achieve a smaller waist

19- Walnuts:

An excellent source of mega healthy omega 3 fatty acids. They are also very rich in manganese, copper, molybdenum and the B vitamin biotin. Go for salt free to keep your sodium levels in control.

20- Lemon Water:

A blessing for your digestive system and skin. Use in moderate amount as too much can cause acidity in stomach.

21- Bananas:

Every bodybuilders regular diet. Has a very positive effect for your waistline. Ripe bananas also contain serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. But don't eat too much as it contains fat, too. Individuals with a latex allergy may experience a reaction to bananas.

22- Green Tea:

A very heavy dose of anti-oxidants and several nutrients. Very easy to prepare and can be used anytime during the day. Immediately elevates mood.

Green tea should be a part of your daily diet

23- Tomato Juice:

This brings high dose of potassium, manganese, dietary fiber, copper, folate, niacin, vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene), vitamin B6, vitamin E and phosphorus. Prefer homemade sugar free over branded ones as they sometimes have sugar.

24- Pop Corn:

Widely recognized as a snack food its moderate intake will keep your stomach fill & waist smaller.

25- Plum:

One of the best natural solutions for keeping blood pressure in control along with lowering risk of stroke. Plums also help increase the absorption of iron into the body.

26- Cucumber:

100 grams of cucumber contains 16 calories hardly 3.6 grams carbs. Cucumber also contains two phytonutrient compounds associated with anti-cancer benefits and they are lignans and cucurbitacins. So eat much as you want to.

27- Pomegranate:

It fights against prostate cancer, breast cancer, heart disease lowers blood pressure, reduces arthritis and improves memory along with providing several other health benefits.

Pomegranate is full of nutrients

28- Honey:

Best replacement for sugar. It contains high natural sugars and carbs but is much healthy option as compared to sugar.

Always go for recommended amount of calories to live a healthy life. To learn more about calories check Do We Need To Count Macro Nutrients For Every Single Meal?. Always consult a physician before making any changes in your diet or exercise plan.

Have a nice day.
