21 Benefits of Doing Cardio

Pro bodybuilders like these 6 Most Aesthetic Natural Bodybuilder's Transformation Ever! build muscle and burn fat on the same time. They build muscle along with getting these 27 Benefits of Bodybuilding from bodybuilding, while to burn fat they add cardio in their weekly schedule. Cardio is exercise of low to high intensity that depends on aerobic energy generating process.

To get better results of cardio light-to-moderate intensity activities that are sufficiently supported by aerobic metabolism can be performed for extended periods of time. Examples of cardio exercise are medium to long distance running, jogging, swimming, cycling, and walking. Several sports also come in category of cardio.

You might be surprised to know that fitness models face the same problems as the rest of us when it comes to cardio: progress plateaus, boring routines, and lack of time. But they remain motivated because they know countless benefits of doing cardio. 21 of those benefits are:

1- Improved Heart Health

Cardio strengthens & enlarges the heart muscle and that result in better pumping of blood by heart. It also reduces the resting heart rate. This is known as aerobic conditioning. The more your heart works, the stronger it will become. This is true for every muscle of human body. To keep your heart healthy keep working out regularly so it has to push its limits. But be careful about the beats per minute as suddenly going above the safe range can cause serious problems.

2-Increased Metabolism

Cardio improves metabolism. The length of cardio session is directly proportional to metabolic rate. High metabolic rate means increased consumption of stored fats. And that results in weight loss or weight maintenance.

3-Improved Hormonal Profile

"Runners High" is term very famous in bodybuilding circles. It means the feeling that runners get after finishing their run. This happens due to the release of "feel good" hormones by body. Due to cardio body also releases hormones that ease symptoms of depression and fatigue.

4-Improved Recovery Ability

Lower and moderated paced forms of cardio can decrease muscle recovery time, too. Doing cardio after a lifting session helps in reducing DOMS (delayed onset of muscle soreness) and helps bring more oxygen rich blood to heart.

5- Better Cognitive Capacity

Regular cardio improves cognitive capacity.

6-Reduced Stress

When you do cardio, body releases hormones that are responsible for elevating mode. Also testosterone is released that increases confidence.

7- Better Self-image

Cardio helps in maintaining weight & also releases hormones that increase confidence. This results in better self-image.

8- Better Sleep

Subjects, who performed cardiovascular exercises 3 to 4 times per week, fell asleep 54% faster and slept 37% longer than subjects who did not exercise. This was found in a study published by The National Sleep Foundation.

9- Better Bone Health

People who do cardio regularly are the wise ones. They actually invest in long term by doing even small sessions of cardio. Many aging women suffer from a condition called Osteoporosis that develops due to lost bone mass.

Several studies have shown that doing cardio for 30 minutes several times a week can increase bone density up to 12% over a period of 6 months. One of the main causes of nursing home admissions in US is broken hips that happens due to weaker bones. Increase of bone density decreases this risk, too.

10- Manage Chronic Conditions

Doing 30 minutes walk 5 days a week makes very positive effects on blood pressure. Doing regular cardio serves as a natural medicine for several chronic health conditions. It is free of cost and can be done on any time.

11- Better Old Age

As mentioned above cardio Increases bone density, improves hearts health, keep chronic conditions in control, and elevates depression. So all these things obviously result in better old age. An example is Fauja Singh who ran a marathon at the age of 92 years.

12- Sharp Reflexes

Several aerobic activities like playing squash, tennis, etc. need immediate response to unexpected situation. Doing this again & again makes response time and reflexes better.

13- Less Muscle Damage

Warm up & cooling down are compulsory part of cardio routine. Also more blood is supplied to muscles due to cardio. This results in less muscle damage. Another benefit is that, neovascularization of the muscle sarcomeres increases blood flow through the muscles.

14- Readiness for Emergency Situations

Aerobic exercise keeps a person healthy and energetic. Such people can more effectively respond to emergency situations as compared to those who don't do exercise.

15- Socialization

Most of the cardio exercises are done in group. So doing cardio regularly can become habit of meeting new people daily. This results in better socialization.

16- Connection with Nature

Doing cardio outside is very easy way of making better relationship with nature. Just put on your joggers and have a round of jog a round of jog in nearby park.

17- Improved Blood Pressure

Cardio burns calories and lowers bad cholesterol in blood. It also keeps the blood vessels in good condition. Doing cardio increases the total number of red blood cells in the body, facilitating transport of oxygen. All these elements improve the blood pressure.

18- Healthy Lungs

Strengthening the muscles involved in respiration, to facilitate the flow of air in and out of the lungs is one more benefit of cardio.

19- Management of Diabetes

Cardio increases the ability of muscle to utilize glucose. Doing regular exercise keeps blood sugar level maintained and decreases the chances of swings in blood sugar level. From multiple conducted studies, one meta-analysis has shown that aerobic exercise helps lower Hb A1Clevels for type 2 diabetics.

20- Increased Endurance

Doing regular cardio increases storage of energy molecules such as fats and carbohydrates within the muscles, and that result in increased endurance.

21- Better Finances

Several people start coaching other after reaching a certain level in cardio exercises. They form runners groups or other groups and earn money by motivating and guiding others. Some people take cardio to professional level and win marathons.

An interesting example is Fauja Singh who is a world record holder in his age bracket. His current personal best time for the London Marathon (2003) is 6 hours 2 minutes, and his marathon record, for age 90-plus, is 5 hours 40 minutes at the age of 92 that he made in the 2003 Toronto Waterfront Marathon.

The best time to do cardio is right now. Get some more motivation from this article 9 Natural Bodybuilders With Most Aesthetic Chest/Pecs Development and immediately start your todays session. Get up, right now!

Have a nice day.
