25 Reasons Why You are Not Losing Fat

You want a transformation like these Top 10 Inspiring Young Bodybuilders to Lookup to but your fatloss has stalled. Right? Don't worry, our researchers have found that following are 25 common reasons why people fail in losing fat.

1  Your body has ideal amount of fat

Yes, failing in fat loss may be a good news for you. Not losing fat is not a bad news always. The images of celebrities shown on local media, Bollywood and Hollywood are mostly edited and such images put some people in a complex that they need to lose fat. Don't be one of them. This article explains different types of human bodies, Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph - What's The Difference?. Understand your body type, check your BMI and if it is below 25 then there is no need to worry about fat loss.

2  You are losing without realizing

Are you relying on how you look in mirror, fitting of your clothes or selfies to evaluate your fat loss progress? Then buy a machine and weigh yourself. But even then keep it in mind that it is possible to gain muscle at the same time as you lose fat. This is particularly common if you recently started exercising. So wait for a couple of weeks and then weigh again.

3  You have lost muscle

If you lose too much muscle, by doing too much cardio & eating very little protein, then the body slows down metabolism. It does not get energy from already stored fat and starts storing fat for future. So add some resistance training in your exercise along with some protein.

4  You are are not eating balanced diet

 If you are eating only desired number of calories but they are from fat rich foods like butter, candies, chocolates, etc. then your body is not getting enough fuel to grow muscle and increase productivity of brain. It is getting most of the stuff that it can store as fat only. The key to fat loss is eating balanced diet that is slightly higher in protein and has adequate amount of carbs, minerals, vitamins & unsaturated fat.

5  You are doing only one type of exercise

 If you think that these 6 Most Aesthetic Natural Bodybuilder's Transformation Ever were possible by targeting just one body part in exercise, then you need to rethink. Spot reduction, stubborn fat loss or bad genetics. You use different labels,but its undeniable that everyone has trouble areas that oftentimes make weight loss diets and fat loss workouts appear ineffective. If you are consistently targeting only one body part by doing a certain type of exercise then the fat stored in other parts of body is the reason in your failure. Target all body parts at least twice a week to keep your fat loss going.

6  You are not drinking enough water

The importance of water in fat loss is equivalent to importance of exercise & nutrition. In one 12-week weight loss study, people who drank half a liter (17 oz) of water 30 minutes before meals lost 44% more weight. Drinking water has also been shown to boost the amount of calories burned by 24-30% over a period of 1.5 hours. Recommended intake of water is to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.

7  You are not taking enough sleep

 Less sleep results in decrease of insulin sensitivity & increase of cortisol. This results in less than optimal fat loss. In fact, sleep deprivation can actually lead to fat gain. A 16-year study of almost 70,000 women found that those who slept five hours or less a night were 30% more likely to gain 30 or more pounds than those who slept 7 hours. The National Institute of Health suggests adults should sleep seven to eight hours at night.

8  You are getting older

 As soon as you reach 40 years of age your metabolic rate drops down dramatically. So after 40 years of age and even in 30s your focus should remain on keeping your metabolic rate high. The best way to do is eating  5 small meals & doing bodybuilding daily.

9 You are binge eating on healthy foods

 Binge eating even on healthy foods results in storage of extra calories as body fat. There should be a limit on number of calories even if you are getting them from healthy foods.

10  You are under too much stress

 Human mind cannot bear stress after a certain level. Too much stress increases cortisol levels in body that results in increase in body fat. Daily spend at least one hour to relax your mind. Read your favorite book, take your dog on a walk, play with children or cook some healthy food at least for an hour and you will see impact on your fat loss results within a month.

11 Your expectations are not realistic

If you are trying to lose more than 2 kgs of body fat (maximum) during one week then you need to revise your fat loss plan. This is the maximum amount of fat loss allowed in one week by experts.

12 You are eating on wrong time

 A very common mistake that people make and then fail to lose fat is eating something just before going to bed. Do not eat anything during the last 2 hours before your bedtime. The metabolic rate drops down while we sleep and body can store any undigested food as fat.

13  You are not doing physical activity regularly

 Dieting cannot work for you after a certain stage when it comes to fat loss. You should add at least 30 minutes of physical activity daily if you want to lose fat. A combination of resistance training & cardio is best option for fat loss.

14  Your protein shake intake is too much

 Protein shakes are good to build muscle but if you are drinking too much during a day then extra calories will be stored as fat. So be careful how much protein shakes you drink during a day and how much you actually need to build muscle. To get better understanding of protein intake check this article How Much Protein Do You Need To Build Muscle Fast?

15  You are not getting help from family

 If you are living with family and not seeking their help in your fat loss then you are doing blunder. Your family can help you in preparing meals on time & relaxing your mind. Do ask your family members whatever you want from them as aid for your fat loss battle.

16  You are not planning your fat loss plan

 If you are not planning then you are planning to fail is the perfect proverb for fat loss. Prepare your healthy meals on weekends and store in fridge. Every night make sure that your exercise gear is ready for next day. Planning ahead is an important factor for fat loss success.

16  Your suppose is not supporting your fat loss

 Some people eat junk when they go out on a romantic date. They compromise on healthy eating just for the sake of their suppose. But in the long run this compromise can result in extra fat storage in their body & that can damage their relationship in several ways. Don't be one of them.

18  You are not asking experts for help

 Some people are smart, they spend money to hire fitness trainer to lose fat, as compared to others. Because this takes pressure away from their minds, provides them support and also decreases possibility of doing wrong exercises.

19  You do not get motivation from other peoples fat loss transformations

Just open a random video of body transformation on YouTube and you will find it has thousands of views. Why? Because watching other peoples transformations can boost a persons motivation level. These are the 9 Natural Bodybuilders With Most Aesthetic Chest/Pecs Development for immediate motivation.

20  You don't keep a food journal

By keeping a food journal you can keep exact track of what you eat daily. Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh found that all of the 15 studies that focused on dietary self-monitoring found significant associations between self-monitoring and weight loss.\

21 You skip breakfast 

Skipping breakfast is best way to sabotage your fat loss progress. A carbohydrate rich breakfast provides body fuel for the rest of the day & decreases chance of unhealthy eating. It also increases metabolic rate & body burns more fat as result. Never skip breakfast if you want a ripped body.

22 You eat small things having too much calories

 Do you have habit of eating just a small candy after every healthy meal? Eating a random slice of pizza while watching TV just for fun? STOP immediately. Always think before you eat. All these small amounts of unhealthy foods, that we mostly eat for fun, belong to junk food.

Junk foods result in immediate fat gain by body. Read this article to get better understanding of nutrients in food Do We Need To Count Macro Nutrients For Every Single Meal?

23- You are not taking fish oil regularly

In 2007, Australian researchers found that combining aerobic exercise with fish oil (which is a fat) dropped much more body fat than exercise alone. French researchers also discovered that fish oil led to an extra two pounds of fat loss in just three weeks. Get your fats from healthy sources like olive oils, animal fats, avocados, coconut oils and fish. Avoid trans fats and hydrogenated oils as they are man made.

24  You are eating healthy foods that are not healthy!

Food production companies use several tactics to increase their sales. They sometimes market unhealthy foods as healthy. For example, several companies sell milk by marketing it as pure milk. But they add several chemicals to keep the milk usable for long time. So carefully read the ingredients of foods that you buy.

25  You are lifting too little weights

Working with the same weights in gym for more than a month is the major reason why people cannot lose fat. Add some extra weights in your resistance training monthly for your fat loss progress. And dont forget to work on all body parts.

Good luck for your fat loss journey, have a nice day & keep exploring.

Cheers !