20 Secrets of Pro Bodybuilders

Every year millions of people join gyms with dream of becoming pro bodybuilders. But only few can make it to stage like these 6 Most Aesthetic Natural Bodybuilder's Transformation Ever! . Why? Because these few know some secrets that others don't. Fortunately these are now open secrets, in this era of technology.

Secret 1  They set realistic goals

Pro bodybuilders set realistic goals for their gains and improvements. First they take their body measurements, know its composition, understand its requirements, consider medical history, consider genetics & then decide how much gains are possible for them in certain time period. Then they start! Check this article to get a better understanding of different body types Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph - What's The Difference?

Successful bodybuilders like Jay Cutler set realistic goals

Secret 2  They plan ahead

Mostly pro bodybuilders start their journeys from nearby gyms and after few years win contracts with multinational companies, make appearances on mainstream media and endorse bestselling brands. And to do all this they have to plan their weeks, even months, in advance & obviously pumping iron remain their top priority.

Secret 3  They train smart

Pro bodybuilders think before they train. They know that their competitors are also pros so they cannot afford to waste their energy in doing unnecessary exercises. They lift as much as is needed & back off when it's necessary. They also take care of angles while lifting.

Secret 4  They learn as much as possible

Even after winning bodybuilding contests pros regularly learn & upgrade their knowledge. They visit fitness websites & spend money on books. Ask any pro about proteins, carbs, fats, minerals, vitamins, muscles, cardio, bodybuilding websites, bodybuilding heroes.... and listen. This type of articles catch their attention immediately: How Much Protein Do You Need To Build Muscle Fast?

Learning is a lifelong process for bodybuilders like Arnold

 Secret 5  Time is their most precious asset

Wasting time & eating junk are equal sins for pros. They give everything its required time. They know how much time they should give to sleep, how much to family, how much to learning & how much to marketing.

Secret 6  They sleep well

They know very well that growth hormone is released while they sleep. Also their muscles recover during sleep. So they enjoy 6 to 8 hours of peaceful sleep daily. Some pro body builders also do evening flow. This yoga pose relaxes their muscles and can be practiced from bed.

Sleeping well is essential part of bodybuilding

Secret 7 They drink enough water

Either its endurance or digestion water plays a key role. Pro bodybuilders keep their water bottles with them even when they are away from gym & don't let their body get de hydrated. They know that 85% of their brain, 80% of their blood & 70% of their muscle is water.

Secret 8  They do limited cardio

Cardio is something that pro builders have to do with extreme care. Neither they can leave cardio nor they can do it more than required. By not doing cardio they cannot get rid of sextra fat and by doing too much cardio they can lose hard earned muscle.

Too much cardio can damage muscles

Secret 9 They laugh

Yes! This is a very important thing that several pro bodybuilders do. They keep time slots in their time table for enjoying time with friends or family. They are pros and know that to maintain their long term success it is very important to keep their minds relax and tension free.

Secret 10  They take supplements with extreme care

Supplements play a major role on where a contestant will stand after contest. Also supplements are expensive. So pro bodybuilders chose their supplements very carefully and do not get distracted by advertisements of different brands.

Secret 11  They love their bodies

Pros love their bodies and do not fight with them. They train to maximum possible limit & push limits of their bodies but on the same time they know which body parts need rest and how much. They also spend money on massage if find it necessary. Jay Cutler Gives His 7 Favorite Triceps Tips shows how much attention a pro pays on every single muscle of his/her body.

A pro bodybuilder's most precious asset is his/her body

Secret 12 They think long term

Those who want to remain in the game for decades make all their decisions based on long term thinking. Starting from their finances to nutrition, from exercises to choice of sponsors they go for long term benefits and ignore short term victories if they are irrelevant.

Secret 13  They take nutrition as a science

Reading a couple of articles on internet does not work for bodybuilders when they have to compete with best of the game. They know how much carbs, proteins, fats, omega 3, vitamins, minerals and water they should take. When to increase & decrease & how much. They also chose frequency of meals with extreme precision. Even hire services of nutritionists to make diet plans that are perfect for them.

Nutrition is very important science for bodybuilders who reach on top of game

Secret 14  They remain focused

Check out videos of Dwayne The Rock Johnson and you will find him yelling the word focus again and again. The importance of focus is unquestionable for success in any field including bodybuilding. So pros avoid all distractions thatcome in their way of becmoing Mr. Olympia or Mr. Uuniverse. Their dreams remain their top priority and inspire millions.

Secret 15  They accept failure

Road to success is not just rainbows and sunshine. The best in the game has to face failures and stand up. This is what differentiates them from average bodybuilders. When they fail they accept it, build a better strategy and restart with more realistic approach. These types of videos help in overcoming failures 20 Most Motivating Bodybuilding Motivational Clips On YouTube

Secret 16  They challenge themselves

They know that in order to grow, their muscles must be placed under enough physical duress to require them to adapt in anticipation of the next training session. That means the building of new contractile muscle fibers, a process otherwise known as myofibrillar hypertrophy. So they add plates on the bar as soon as their muscles get used to existing ones.

Secret 17  They understand importance of socialization

Socialization have several benefits for pro bodybuilders. It is the best way to remain updated about what is happening in their surroundings and if they have any new opportunities to improve themselves.

Bodybuilding is game of healthy minded people

Secret 18  They know carbs are their friends

No carb can be a strategy for some intermediate bodybuilder, may be. But when it comes to best of the game they know that carbohydrates are important to keep metabolic rate high, productivity of brain and several other important functions of brain. Although they remain conscious about negative effects of over eating carbs but on the same time they know that carbs should remain a compulsory part of their diet.

Secret 19  They remain consistent

"Consistency is the key to success and this is 100% true in bodybuilding, too. Pro bodybuilders remain consistent in their weightlifting regimes, cardio, diets & overall plans. Even their off days are important part of their long term goals. They dont let anything distract them from moving towards their goals. Consistency is the key to success, check this article to know where it took these 10 Bodybuilding Legends Of All Time - 8 Olympia Titles!

Secret 20  They surround themselves with positive people

This is one of the most important secrets of pro bodybuilders. They are in the field where competition increases with every passing day & they get more & more opponents so they keep themselves surrounded with a group of positive minded people who keep them motivated during tough times.

Too much secrets revealed today, so now get up and hit some weights.

.Have a nice day

Cheers !