27 Benefits of Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding is an amazing sport and has several benefits for body, mind, social life, infact for every aspect of our lives. Everyone can do bodybuilding according to his/her body type. Check this article to learn more about body types Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph - What's The Difference?.  Following are 27 out of countless benefits of bodybuilding:

Bodybuilding improves physical & mental health 

1- Better Sleep:

Sleeping is one of the four components of a bodybuilder's lifestyle. Other three are diet, exercise and water intake. Sleep and bodybuilding improves each other. Sleep helps in recovering muscles and 8 hours of sleep is recommended for better results of weight training. But bodybuilding also increases the quality of sleep in return.

2- Anti-Depressant:

Bodybuilding is a very effective natural anti-depressant. It causes the production of morphine-like endorphins and enkephalins which elevates the mood just like other drugs. Neurotransmitters associated with the depressed state (or states of well-being) are stimulated or blocked (e.g., norepinepherine and other amine neurotransmitters).

Bodybuilding reduces depression

3- High Self Esteem:

Bodybuilders look better and have better moods. This naturally increases their self-esteem and they feel more confident.

4- Ability to Concentrate:

Since bodybuilding decreases depression and elevates mood so it make concentration easy for bodybuilders. A healthy mind can concentrate much better than a depressed one.

5- Better Social Life:

Bodybuilders daily train gyms so they get several friends from their own bodybuilding community as they share same passion for pumping iron. Also, bodybuilders have better self-esteem so they can easily go outside and can make new friends.

6- Better Heart Health:

Heart is a muscle and doing aerobic exercises gives it more strength. A healthy heart can pump blood more easily and it also provides better oxygen to blood cells. Bodybuilding also decreases risk of heart attack as it stops and removes blood clotting.

Heart is a muscle and it works better when you do weight training

7- Resists Diabetes:

Resistance training can fight against diabetes because exercising muscles increase the need to use glucose for energy. By doing bodybuilding a person forces his/her body to utilize the additional circulating blood glucose. It is very important to monitor blood sugar levels before and after exercise for diabetic patients.

8- Controls Blood Pressure:

Bodybuilding can control the blood pressure. But those suffering from blood pressure should be very careful while doing exercise and should do it in presence of some certified trainer.

9- Reduces Arthritis:

The uric acid decreases with bodybuilding and as result bodybuilding plays an important role in controlling arthritis. It also helps in getting rid from joint pain.

Bodybuilding reduces joint pain

10-Reduces Blood Cholesterol:

LDL (low density lipoprotein also known as "bad" cholesterol) and HDL (high density lipoprotein also known as "good" cholesterol are two types of cholesterol). High levels of LDL are linked to an increased risk of heart disease while high levels of HDL are linked to a lower risk of heart disease. Bodybuilding increases HDL and decreases LDL.

11- Job as Trainer:

After a year of training a bodybuilder can start training others and can era money from giving training.

12- Earning from Winning Contests:

Several bodybuilders live luxurious lives by winning bodybuilding contests. Bodybuilding is now a commercial sport and its high performers live like superstars.

Bodybuilding has several sponsors for high achievers

13-Nutrition Brands Business:

Jay Cutler is not the only one who is making handsome money from selling Cutler Nutrition supplements. Several others are also in this profitable business of selling supplements.To learn more about supplements read this article 15 Highest Selling Supplements For Gaining Mass.

14- Better Sex Life:

Bodybuilders enjoy a better sex life and feel more confident during the activity. This is true for both men and women. One reason is due to the strengthening and stimulation of the PC (pubococcygeus muscle) muscle, located in the pelvic floor (men have one too), that controls the flow of urine.

15-Reduces Risk of Colon Cancer:

Bodybuilding also reduces the risk of colon cancer. Colon cancer is a very dangerous disease.

16-Better Bone Density:

With the passage of time, your bones will become less dense and risk of injuries and diseases like osteoporosis will increase. Studies have shown that by doing regular strength training bone density and overall condition of bones improves.

Bodybuilders enjoy benefits of better bones in old age

17- Better Breathing:

The improved supply of oxygen to different muscles, tissues, blood etc. can be achieved by weight training. It also improves the performance of lungs and overall respiratory system.

18- Weight Control:

Bodybuilding is one of the best ways of burning fat. It also improves metabolic rate and strengthens muscle. If two people have 80 kgs of bodyweight. The one having more muscle will burn more calories in a given time, even on rest, as compared to other.
19-Better Looks:

20-Healthy Old Age:

There are several examples like Paul Stone, Jim Shaffer, etc. who are still doing bodybuilding in their 70s and 80s and enjoying a much better healthy life as compared to their other age fellows who don't have habit of pumping iron like these incredible old beasts.

Cast of Expendables was comprised of legendary bodybuilders like Sylvester Stallone, Dolph Lundgren, Eric Roberts,Terry Crews, Arnold Schwarzenegger and others

21-Improves Stomach Health:

To bulk up, bodybuilders eat something clean after every few hours. They also drink plenty of water. Their diet remains balanced and junk food remain banned. These things keep their stomach healthy and the possibility of any stomach disorder reduces greatly.

22-Keeps Away From Bad Habits (Smoking, etc.):

Bodybuilding becomes a lifelong hobby for many people so they stay away from unhealthy and immoral hobbies as they have better mental & physical health.

23- Gives Good Role Models:

Millions of teen agers join gyms to achieve success like Charles Atlas, Steve Reeves, Ronnie Coleman, Reg Park, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jay Cutler, Phil Heath, Lou Ferrigno etc. Who don't want to reach at level of these 10 Bodybuilding Legends Of All Time - 8 Olympia Titles! They watch these bodybuilding beasts as their role models and follow their lifestyle that is to eat clean, train hard, earn good money and enjoy a happy life.

Bodybuilding legends enjoy massive fan following

24-Lowers Risk of Breast Cancer:

Women who do weight training regularly are at lower risk of breast cancer as compared to those who do not lift.

25-Develops Habit of Reading:

In this era of competition every body builder has to spend time to update his knowledge about bodybuilding on weekly, if not daily, basis. This turns into a permanent habit of reading with the passage of time.

26-Increases Ability to Bear Pain:

Pain is temporary, pride is forever is motto of every beast. So bodybuilders daily go through physical pain and take it as a blessing. This makes them ever ready for bearing any physical pain.

Pain is temporary, pride is forever

27-Increases Muscular Strength:

Weight training is the best way to strengthen your muscles. According to the American College of Sports Medicine human beings lose about 50% of muscles by age of 50. And after that muscle strength decreases 15% per decade until 70s and 30% after 70s. So those who add more and more muscle before 40s remain better as compared to others.

So, the time you spend in gym is best time of your life. Bodybuilding can remain part of your life until last day. So keep working hard.

Have a nice day.
