How to Loose Belly Fat Fast! - 45 Secrets

One of the major reasons people start working out in the first place is to lose belly fat. It also happens to be one of the most difficult tasks for bodybuilders: to loose belly fat without compromising your gains. Today we give you 45 untold secrets to loose belly fat fast.

belly fat

Get off your ass:

Your goal is to burn as many calories as possible, so stay off of benches as long as possible. Any exercise that can be done while standing, should be done while standing. Make the calories count.

Mix it up:

Mix your daily workout routine between upper body and lower body exercises. This will provide time for your latter body part to relax while the other works, hence maximizing your workout efficiency.

Do your chores:

Do physical work around the house, let it be washing the dishes or cleaning the floor. The calories are the target here.

Motivate Yourself:

Once a week, watch a movie related to travelling, sports. martial arts or bodybuilding to motivate you to workout.

Exercise Blind:

Try to exercise with your eyes closed. This way your body will have to keep itself in balance, doing extra work and burning extra calories.

Break Limits:

Set records for yourself. If you ran 1000m last week, then, do 1250 this week. Keep pushing yourself forward.

Use Smaller Dinner Plates:

You say you ate just 1 plate of rice today? Well that depends on your "plate". If you use smaller size dinnerware, you'll probably force yourself to consume less food everday.

Cardio after Lifting:

Although its pretty mainstream to cardio before your lifting, but experience shows that the other way around is far more beneficial.

Don't Skip Meals:

If you think skipping meals is going to make you lose fat, you're wrong. When your body needs energy, it starts to break down muscle tissue into usable energy, making you lose your gains.

Don't be a Couch Potato:

Limit the time you spend watching TV or doing activities that require you to sit for hours at a time. Instead, adopt healthy activities for yourself.

Add the Elevation:

When doing cardio, add some elevation to you run. Running uphill makes your exert more force, hence burning more calories.

Avoid High Carbs:

I'm sure this one won't be new for you. But it's told so often because it works. Follow this golden tip and you'll see the results.

Eat your biggest meal of the day after you lift:

Right after you lift, your body needs the most energy. That's when you should eat the most. It'll be utilized well instead of accumulating as fat.

Treat yourself:

Once a week, treat yourself for all the hard work. Have a cheat meal.

Pass on the Potatoes:

Do not take potatoes in any form, anywhere. They increase the insulin level in your blood, causing it to stop responding to workouts effectively.

Fill up High Fiber Foods:

High Fiber foods take space in your stomach, making you feel full and thus keeping you from eating every 10 minutes.

Drink water before a meal, not during it:

Water takes a lot of space in your stomach, making you feel like you're full, when you're not. Drink a glass of water before you begin and then nothing.

Request Substitutions:

When eating at restaurants, request the waiter to substitute unhealthy pastas with vegetables, whenever possible.

Give it a break:

If you can't resist eating soft junk, like ice cream, then take a 30 minute break between scoops. By that time, your hormones will start working, making you feel full and saving you anothing scoop of unwanted fat.

Soft Drinks are a NO!

Soft Drinks contain more sugar than anything else. These are one of the most common causes of belly fat. Even diet drinks are unhealthy. Avoid at all costs.

Breakfast daily:

After a long sleep, your body is deprived of food and breakfast is what feeds it. It is the most important meal of the day. Never skip breakfast.

Avoid Processed food:

Stay away from food that comes in big boxes. These things are foods that quickly raise blood-sugar levels and shut down your body's ability to burn fat.

Snack Between Meals:

Keep putting in light snack between meals, to make you feel full and avoid overindulgence.

Record your Shows:

Instead of watching your shows on TV, record them. By doing so, you are saving nearly 30% of the time avoiding commercials. More time off the sofa, eh?

Take you Yogurt :

Researcg shows people who eat food with high content of calcium are twice as likely to lose weight as compared to those who do not. What better calcium rich food can you take other than yogurt?

Dry Fruits are your friend:

Dry fruits, though high in calories, are useful. They have different kind of calories that are not stored but utilized in various body needs. Eat dry fruits whenever possible.

Keep track of your Calories:

Set limits for yourself and do not cross them. When your plan says that you cannot eat more than 2000 calories a day, don't!

Inspire Yourself!

Take a picture of yourself and Photoshop it to loose all the bellyfat. Pin this picture somewhere you can see all the time. It will keep on inspiring you to work for that goal.

Buy for yourself, eat yourself:

When buying snacks, buy for one. Family packs and big deals will only end up in countless calories more to dispose of.

Cardio by Distance:

Instead of measuring the time for which you run everyday, measure the distance. Measuring distance can keep a better track of your progress.

Avoid White Bread:

Research shows that calories from white bread have a tendency to settle down as far. Use other alternatives of white bread whenever possible.

Watch the Portion Sizes:

Make it a habit to never fill your plate more than you eat. If you overfill your portion, you'll end up cleaning your plate when you don't need to, adding more calories.

Get your beauty sleep:

Skip the ending credits of your daily soap opera and go to sleep early. Uneven sleep patterns causes the digestive system to become unresponsive and not function properly.

Extra activity goes a long way:

Do your everyday tasks a little differently. If you're talking on the phone, start walking around the house
instead of sitting. Cleverly organize your daily activities to burn calories.

Add Quality to your sleep:

Apart from a good number of sleeping hours, the quality also determines how well your body functions the next day.

Never Starve Yourself:

Remember, starving yourself will make you lose muscle fiber, and NOT fat. Eat regularly but watch what you eat and how you eat.

Brush Daily:

Research has shown that people who brush their teeth everyday have a slimmer physique. Adopt this habit and see the results for yourself.

Floss Daily:

Research shows that poor oral health care is directly related to weight gain. Floss twice a day and keep the inflammatory bacteria away from your mouth.

Eat Slowly:

It takes about 10 minutes for the brain to receive the message that you have started eating. Give your body the time to start the digestion procedure.

Track your Progress:

Watch the scale everyday. If the tip is going down, you're doing good. Any rise means you need to change your daily routine further.


Nothing helps losing fat like lifting. Even if that is twice a week, make a schedule and workout. You'll see results faster than you can expect.

Order Appetizers:

When you're at restaurants, avoid bread bowl. Order any vegetable or similar appetizer to work your way around but avoid this fattening food.

Sprint in Intervals:

Sprinting in short bursts is far more effective is a continuous and long run. For example, run 150 yard in 20 seconds then take a 10 second break and sprint again.

Eat more Protien:

About 25%-30% of the calories in each gram of protein are burned in digestion, compared to only 6%-8% of the calories in carbs. So keep your intake primarily focused on proteins and your body will take care of the rest.

Read Labels:

Any food that reads "high-fructose corn syrup", is far in the danger zone. Avoid these kind of food at all costs.

Do you know any more tips to lose belly fat fast? Let us know in the comment section below!